Sunday, March 29, 2009

New Rocketry Regulations!


Well they are out and OUT OF DATE already! While I applaud the FAA's effort to update the regulations pertaining to personal rocketry in America, they miss the boat once again!

  1. The new regulations terminology is patently offensive to Rocketeers! The only thing amateur about rocketry is the individuals who wrote the regulations. Rocketeers are no more amateurs than NASA but.....that is also another subject!
  2. The new regulations do not develop a clear pathway from no rocketry to building and flying manned space vehicles! They are organizational and consumer rocketry oriented instead of individual oriented!
  3. The new regulations were developed under the saying: "To Dictate and Endanger!" When the purpose of having organization (government) is summed up in five words: "To Serve and To Protect!" What this means is: To Serve = create the environment, infrastructure, and organization for the individual to have the most freedom in the pursuit of happiness (rocketry), and To Protect = create the minimum, practical, and functional environment, infrastructure, and organization that protects persons and property from damage.
  4. The new regulations leave loopholes or gaps in scope and vision that put persons and the public at risk and in danger! Parts of the new regulations that the FAA has created do not have policies to cover them yet, but are deliberately designed to hinder or block individuals by creating a path to accomplishment that is impossible to achieve because it would fatigue the individual with the bureaucracy.
  5. The new regulations were developed by a process by which to comment or become involved in developing the new regulations was only limited to certain individuals that the FAA wanted to be involved with. I have been asking for AT LEAST ten years to comment on and be involved with updating the regulation, and never was contacted or informed!
  6. The new regulations block an individuals freedom of association with other Rocketeers around the world!
  7. The new regulations open the door for KNOWN individuals in the FAA to abuse the new policies on information requirements, to spy on certain individuals, block the individuals attempts to pursue their rocketry goals.
  8. The new regulations are written in such a way that makes laws respective of certain religious beliefs and not inclusive of all religious beliefs. They discriminate on the bases of religion!

Well, I could go on and will.....looks like it is the FAA's turn at a lawsuit like the BATFE is in with rocketry! Another bunch of amateurs creating regulations with NO CLUE as to what they are doing!

I have no problem with safety and organization, the government should NEVER SAY NO, but rather say OK, how can we help you DO THIS SAFELY! It is all in the approach......and their approach SUCKS, they are the AMATEURS!

Join the Universal Rocketry Association and let's HELP the FAA develop some guidelines with vision and inclusion!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

"In Honor of Evel!" Back to the Canyon!


This is off the subject of Civilian Space Access, but related to Civilian Rocketry! I have been planning and working on a project for about 20 years now and it is time to make it happen! The project is "In Honor of Evel!" Back to the Canyon!™ I plan to jump the Snake River Canyon in a vehicle called the X-3 SkyCycle!™ Yes we are going to honor Evel Knievel, Twin Falls Idaho, and Finish what Evel Started!

Plans had been made to perform this jump with Evel in attendance, but sadly Evel has past on. Evel attempted to jump the Snake River Canyon on Sept 8, 1974, but due to a mechanical malfunction and wind conditions he did not make it! He gave his word and did what he said, but was robbed of success and lucky to live through it! I am sure he will be there and be our copilot!

Two other individuals are also planning an attempt at this time, Robbie Knievel (of course which is only fitting) and Michael Hughes (although he has chosen to jump the Colorado river at Lake Havasu, AZ) So the race is on to see who will be the first! Then who will go to Infinity and Beyond.....!

I have posted a short video teaser on YouTube! Search for "In Honor of Evel!"

Thursday, March 19, 2009

NASA Civilian Seat!


Well now that the International Space Station crew is going to be raised to 6, it is time for the US Government, NASA, and TAXPAYERS to get on the same page and allot one seat on the new crew vehicle to paying customers or civilian selectees! Yes.....on every further mission one seat on the shuttle, Ares, Dragon, whatever frickin vehicle it is going to the ISS, there should be one space tourist crew member. There is no excuse not too, unless the government and NASA say it is too dangerous for civilians, tourists, or teachers to be going.....then it is too dangerous for anyone to be riding in or going to the ISS! Put that in your oxygen tanks and breath it!

Monday, March 9, 2009

New Test Launches Planned!


The Universal Foundation has scheduled 2 launches this year to test vehicles for Civilian Space Travel! The only issue that remains is coordination with the US government over the right of civilians to access space, which the US is denying to curtain individuals based on religious, monetary, and political reasons! We are prepared for a fight! We have asked for a congressional level investigation into the agencies and personnel involved in the discrimination and abuse by government authorities. Totalitarian and Dictatorial regimes will not stand in America.....the land of the Free and the Home of the Brave!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Our Right to Space!


It is Our Right to Launch, Because We Can!
It is Our Resident Right to Launch, Seeing Our Planet in the Safest and Best Way!
It is Our Civil Right to Launch, Traveling the Solar System in the Pursuit of Happiness, Freedom, and Existence!
It is Our Human Right to Launch, Accessing the Galaxy in a Free and Unfettered or Hindered Way!
It is Our God Given Right to Launch, Exploring the Universe to Gain All the Answers to All the Questions that are Out There Freely and Safely!

No Person, People, Government, or Anything will Deny Our Right to Space!